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One in four adults between the ages of 20 to 64 has cavities!
Are you ready to start taking your dental health a lot more seriously? Taking care of your teeth not only gives you the best smile possible, but it can also be beneficial for your overall health as well.
Taking care of your teeth requires that you understand how they can get damaged and what you can do to prevent it with the help of a dentist in New York NY.
Here's a look at some of the best ways in which you can go about having healthy teeth.
Teeth are prone to decay and the best way to prevent this is by making sure that you have a regular brushing routine. Brushing your teeth should be the last thing you do at night before you go to bed.
You also need to brush in the morning, or at least one other time throughout the day.
Using fluoride toothpaste is a must if you want to keep decay at bay. Make sure that you read the label of any toothpaste you buy to ensure that it contains fluoride.
Fluoride is very effective at preventing decay. This is why it is often placed in the water in some areas to ensure that people get enough of it.
When you brush your teeth try not to rinse too much. You want to keep as much fluoride on your teeth as you can.
Throughout the normal process of eating, and drinking the rest of it will wash away.
Food gets lodged in between the teeth. When food becomes lodged in between the teeth it begins to deteriorate.
To prevent this you need to get in between the teeth yourself and take out any food particles that may be in there.
Unfortunately, brushing alone cannot remove a lot of the particles that get in between teeth, although some toothbrushes do a better job than others.
The best way to remove particles is to use floss. Make sure that you are flossing every time you brush. This will ensure that you get the food particles out of your teeth.
It has been said time and again that eating sugary foods and drinks can be detrimental to your dental health.
Sugary foods are delicious but once you eat them you need to ensure that you clean your teeth. If you fail to do this then sugar can ferment on your teeth and start causing tooth decay.
Eating too much sugar will cause what is known as plaque. The plaque is what keeps the sugars on your teeth. When there is plaque present the enamel of your teeth will wear away causing holes known as cavities to develop.
If you don't make a conscious effort to remove plaque by brushing then it will begin to harden. Once it begins to harden it is called tartar.
The tartar will then begin to form near your gum line. Once the plaque that is under the tartar starts releasing toxins into your gum line it will cause it to become inflamed.
Your gums will start pulling back from your teeth. This needs to be treated by a dentist immediately.
If you fail to get treatment for this it will cause your teeth to become loose because the bone that is supposed to support the teeth will start deteriorating. This is a severe form of
gum disease and it can cause your teeth to fall out.
As you can see plaque can be very dangerous to your teeth. As discussed before it is one of the main reasons for cavities.
One of the ways you can ensure that you get rid of plaque quickly is to go in for a professional clean from your dentist at least once per year.
When your dentist begins to clean your teeth they will take away all the plaque that has built up. This will help to keep your teeth healthy and prevent you from getting cavities.
You should be visiting your dentist at least once every six months to ensure that cavities are not developing in your teeth.
This is also necessary to ensure that you do not develop gum diseases such as gingivitis. Gum diseases such as gingivitis usually show up in the form of bleeding gums.
Gingivitis does not have to be dangerous if it is cleared up quickly. However, if gingivitis is not cleared up and your gums become infected, the infection can go into your bloodstream.
This may cause your face to swell. Your dentist will give you antibiotics to make the swelling go down so that they can begin treatment.
Needless to say, to prevent your teeth from becoming infected it is best to practice proper dental hygiene and
visit your dentist often.
Taking care of your oral health should always be a priority. If you don't make it a priority sooner or later something will go wrong.
When something goes wrong with your teeth it can take several forms. Most of them are painful and require the intervention of your dentist in New York NY.
By being proactive about your dental care you can stop problems before they start.
Make sure that you practice proper dental hygiene and visit your dentist regularly. If you would like dental help do not hesitate to
book an appointment with us. Our dental staff is always here to help you get the best dental care possible for your teeth.
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