Top Toothache Remedies: 8 Tips to Get Fast Relief From an Aching Tooth

Riverside Dental Care • May 3, 2019

Want to find out how to get fast relief for an aching tooth? Click here for 8 top toothache remedies you need to know!

aching tooth

Did you know that there have been instances in which people have died after ignoring a toothache for too long?

It doesn't happen very often. But every now and then, the pain caused by an aching tooth is the result of an infection. And if that infection isn't treated, it can lead to sepsis, which is a condition that can put a person's life in jeopardy.

With this in mind, you should seek the services of a dentist right away if you ever experience a toothache to be on the safe side. You should also do what you can to limit the pain that you feel as a result of your aching tooth.

Here are 8 tips that will provide you with some much-needed relief from the pain that a toothache is causing you.

1. Start With a Salt Water Rinse

The first thing you should try when dealing with an aching tooth is a salt water rinse. Salt water has healing properties that can provide relief in a matter of a few minutes.

Take 1/2 teaspoon of salt and mix it into a glass of warm water before taking a sip of the salt water and swishing it around in your mouth. Use it like you would a mouthwash before spitting the salt water out.

Salt water can serve as a natural disinfectant and bring down any inflammation that you're experiencing in your mouth. It can also help free up any food particles that might be stuck in your teeth so that they don't cause additional pain or tooth decay.

Some people also prefer to go with a hydrogen peroxide rinse instead of one that uses salt water. It's also effective when it comes to relieving pain from an aching tooth.

Make a hydrogen peroxide rinse by mixing 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and water before using it in the same way you would a salt water rinse. But be extra careful when doing it and make sure you do not swallow the mixture.

2. Use a Cold Compress

If your hand, your knee, or your ankle was bothering you, you would more than likely put a cold compress on it to provide some relief. Why not take the same approach when treating an aching tooth?

Place a cold compress over the part of your mouth where you're feeling pain. It'll cause all of the blood vessels in that part of your mouth to constrict, which should do away with some of the pain you're experiencing.

A cold compress can also limit swelling around your teeth and get rid of inflammation. Just try not to keep the cold compress on your face for more than about 20 minutes at a time every few hours.

3. Create a Garlic Clove Paste

People have been using garlic for medicinal purposes for centuries now. It's proven to be effective as far as killing bacteria is concerned, and it can also relieve pain when you use it.

Crush up a garlic clove to turn it into a paste and position it over the part of your mouth that's in pain. This should kill off any bacteria in the area and make it feel better in a short amount of time.

Some people will also add a small amount of salt to the mix to make a garlic clove paste even more effective than it already is.

4. Try a Peppermint Tea Bag

There are so many health benefits that you can enjoy by using peppermint tea.

One of the biggest benefits is that peppermint tea can be used to do away with the pain associated with a toothache. It can also provide soothing relief for sensitive gums.

To see how it works, take a used peppermint tea bag that's still warm and put it over the area that's causing you pain. You should feel the pain in your tooth start to go away within a few seconds.

You can also place a used peppermint tea bag in the freezer for a few minutes before placing it over the area affected by your toothache. This can also work wonders for an aching tooth.

5. Examine the Effects of Vanilla Extract

Most people don't realize this, but there is alcohol in vanilla extract. That alcohol can hit the spot when you're trying to treat a toothache by promoting healing.

Take a very small amount of vanilla extract and dab it onto the affected area of your mouth several times each day. It should help to clear up some of the pain you're feeling.

6. Give Guava Leaves a Chance

If the other things on this list aren't doing the trick, it might be time to think outside the box. Guava leaves can help heal some wounds thanks to anti-inflammatory properties that are packed inside them.

Place fresh guava leaves into your mouth and chew on them for a few minutes to see if you get any relief. Or crush up guava leaves and place them into a pot of boiling water to create a mouthwash with them.

Either way, guava leaves could prove to be the answer to your prayers.

7. Test Out Thyme

Essential oils are all the rage these days, and they can come in handy when you're trying to manage the pain caused by an aching tooth.

Take a bottle of thyme essential oil and put a few drops of it on a cotton ball. Place a few drops of water on top of the thyme essential oil to dilute it before dabbing the inside of your mouth with it.

Thyme may be able to eliminate any harmful bacteria in your mouth and make your aching tooth go away.

8. Take a Trip to the Dentist's Office

Most of the tips found here should deliver fast-acting relief for those in pain with an aching tooth. But if they don't have much of an effect on the pain or if the pain continues to come back, it'll be time to visit a dentist.

You should also visit a dentist if you suffer from symptoms like:

  • Fever
  • Dark red gums
  • Issues with breathing

It's always better to be safe than sorry when you have a toothache.

Don't Ignore the Pain of an Aching Tooth

It doesn't matter if you have some slight pain in one of your teeth or an aching tooth that won't go away. You should never ignore any pain that you feel in your mouth.

By reaching out to a reputable dental practice, you can get the treatment you need to make your pain a thing of the past. You can also get to the root of the pain and take care of whatever problem is plaguing your oral health.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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