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36% of Americans are afraid to go to the dentist. For many people, it has been a long time since they last went to the dentist and it's hard to build up the courage to go again. It's okay to be nervous about going to the dentist!
If you live in New York, a dentist in New York wants to help you keep your teeth in great condition. Whether you go to the dentist every year or you haven't been in a while, there are some signs you can't ignore.
Are your teeth hurting? Do you have a funny feeling in your mouth? Not sure if you need to see the dentist again?
Here are 7 signs that you need to visit a dentist in New York, NY.
Everyone loves a hot drink on cold New York days. But if you have sensitive teeth, it can be difficult to enjoy your favorite foods and beverages.
If you drink or eat something hot or cold and you feel a shock or pain, you might have sensitive teeth. Some teeth sensitivities can be treated with sensitive teeth toothpaste, but it can also be a sign of something more serious.
If you've never felt sensitivity to hot or cold before, but it suddenly appears, you should see a dentist as soon as possible.
A sudden sensitivity can be caused by the protective outer layer of your teeth (enamel) eroding. You might have a cavity forming, and it's important to take care of cavities early on rather than waiting and letting them get worse.
Tooth pain is no joke. It can make it hard to live your life. Many toothaches won't go away over time. If anything, they'll get worse.
Toothaches that happen over an extended period are usually a sign of a damaged tooth or tooth decay. Your tooth could be infected, or you might have a cavity forming. The root of your tooth could also be dying.
Another reason for tooth pain is that an abscess may have formed. Abscesses form when your tooth has a really bad infection and pus has begun to gather in the tooth. These can spread around your mouth and infect other teeth, so it's vital to make a dentist visit as soon as possible for any tooth pain.
If you've looked in the mirror and noticed white spots on your teeth or gums recently, you need to visit a dentist's office as soon as possible.
White spots on your teeth are a sign that your teeth are decaying. You only have so much enamel on your teeth. As it wears away, white spots will begin to appear.
Not every cavity or tooth infection will cause pain, but white spots on your gums are a sure way to know you have an infection. When the roots of your teeth are damaged, signs can spread to your gums. The spots might look like a pimple, and you should get dental care quickly.
There are a lot of reasons why you might be experiencing dry mouth. Aging, medications, and sleeping with your mouth open are just some of the causes of dry mouth. A dry mouth is dangerous because it can increase the chance of getting gum disease or plaque.
If it feels like no matter what you do your dry mouth won't go away, you should make an appointment at a dentist's office. Your dentist will be able to prescribe a mouthwash that will help get rid of dry mouth.
For some people, blood may appear when they brush or floss their teeth. If you notice blood on your toothbrush, the floss string, or in the sink when you spit, it's a sign of a more serious problem.
This is a sign of gum disease. When you develop gum disease, the tissues that hold your teeth in place are infected. When this goes untreated, it can result in your teeth falling out.
If your gums are tender, swollen, or you notice discharge, you might be developing gum disease. Receiving dental care is the best course of action to prevent further infections.
After you lose all your baby teeth, your adult teeth are meant to last the rest of your life. If you look in the mirror and you notice a gap between your teeth that wasn't there before, you should contact a dentist. Adult teeth that are loose to the touch are also a reason to make a dentist visit.
If this is happening to your teeth, it's a sign that your teeth are infected or the bone is reducing.
There are three types of canker sores that can appear in your mouth.
Minor canker sores are small, oval, and can heal pretty quickly. Major canker sores are larger and go deeper than minor sores. These can be extremely painful and take six weeks to heal.
Herpetiform canker sores are rare, and usually don't impact you until later in life. These sores are caused by the viral infection herpes. They will be small, in clusters, and will heal in two weeks.
If you develop a canker sore or you keep getting them one after another, you should make an appointment with a dentist. Canker sores can make trying to live your life miserable. It can hurt to eat, drink, or just be an extreme annoyance.
A dentist will be able to treat your sores and tell you if something more serious is going on.
There's always a good reason to see a dentist. If you are experiencing any of these issues, you should go see a dentist. If it's been a while since your last regular cleaning, you should also book a dentist appointment just to make sure everything is in perfect shape.
Work with a dentist in New York that wants to take care of their patients and know that preventative care is the best form of dental care. Riverside Dental Care has professionals that speak both English and Russian, so you know you'll have great care no matter what language you speak.
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